Tag: 50219 dentist

Dental Emergency FAQs from Your Pella Dentist

Emergencies can be frightening, and a dental emergency is no exception. However, your Pella dentist is here to help. If a dental emergency occurs, contact us immediately. Here are some common oral maladies and tips for addressing the pain until you can visit Dr. Allen. How Can I Stop a Toothache from Hurting? Rinse your… Read more »

Lighten Up Your Smile For Summer

With summer approaching, you are probably looking forward to lounging on the beach, swimming in the pool, and catching up with friends. It sounds like you’re going to be doing a lot of smiling. But what if your teeth are stained and yellowed? That could definitely put the brakes on all of your summer fun…. Read more »

Top 5 Worst Dental Habits

Skipping the Floss Smoking Snacking on Sugary Foods Clenching Your Teeth Ignoring Your Tongue Prevent Gum Disease by Flossing Dentists have been begging their patients to floss for decades. Why? Because dentists know, flossing prevents tooth decay and gum disease. While brushing your teeth is crucial to maintaining a healthy smile and gums, brushing alone… Read more »

Pella Dentist Discusses Bad Dental Habits

Are you destroying your teeth with common bad habits? Many of our patients are surprised to learn how certain behaviors affect their oral health. Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime. They are strong enough to endure the daily functions of masticating food but certain habitual behaviors can impede your teeth’s ability to function… Read more »